

originally 6/7/17 4:45~ (estimate), edited 10/28/17 9:45

welcome to the archive! here is where i use a software like httrack to copy a website, and upload it on here. most of these sites are how they looked in august of 2017, so they may not reflect what they look like today.

bgpanfu - this site is a friend's childhood wordpress site, and most of the elements are broken.
1080p-lemonade - this site looked nice, and thought it needed to be archived. (this was my first archive)
moleratcorp - same reason as 1080p-lemonade, and this site interested me alot.
nonart - lain lain lain lain lain lain lain lain lain lain lain lain lain lain lain lain
rocketmix - i added rocketmix's site as a meme, but has only went downhill from when i archived it lol
whereareyou - feels like im in a ARG, which is really cool i like it alot